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jordan vii

jordan viice was shaking shake hand and lifted down, palm prints, such as days, collapsing chaos heaven! earthshaking India! palm like a huge bird shrouded cloud, thunder down, Baoxiang among a huge figure meteor flying in general, all the way to roll bang bang hit the top of a pillar, blood spatter, then snapped off fall, life and death do not know! 'a power law sermon station, actually be able to take over my beat up and die, really powerful.' Jiangnan stood above the pillars, clothes fluttering sound, slowly calm down, the sound went execution ground war fighting. ---- ☆, one hundred and seventy second chapter huge profits Within silence war fighting execution ground, I do not know how many eyes looked over the handsome stone standing figure, hearts still shocked and shocked! Albatron to the days of the South is quite strong, and his distinguished record, personally fight digit Lingtai environment strong, even the air to escape from the Li Yuan Road station Shoudexia strong throughout. take a power law sets sermon this road many people, but the courage to go this route, all on jordan viitheir own have a very strong self-confidence. Moreover, this person probably is not how to repair deep, but very pure pure magic, but also on the strength of the same master realm!The most critical is that the days of the South practice is Albatron war body, which is the strongest Albatron supernatural flesh, flesh very strong, his body already reached Road station environment, it can be said even stronger lotus border territory Yaotai He's flesh should be less than one chip! but other characters, not even a hit southern live are connected directly beaten dancing, fainted! from beginning to end, all while the south is just a reckless brat, relied a little smarter and they dare to attack one hundred Valley Guzhu For killing God and too imperial ancestors, and a little luck, it succeeded. but no one looked down on him, after all, just a little southern, former fame is not significant, the repair is low, only after the killing Kamiya Guzhu plot and too imperial ancestors, was legendary, before entering the crowd eyes, knowing that he was a disciple of Tien Shengzong Los Kanon apjordan vii


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