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jordan sc 4

jordan sc 4of him, almost all want to get into the fairy ding, ding comprehend cents cents after being hidden fortune! pilgrims were even at the moment of Fu Yanzong also refused to Los Kanon seek justice, immediately rushed prematurely into the sky, being added to this campaign. Suddenly, Jin east laugh, rushed prematurely into the sky, to the good fortune fairy flew tripod, broke into smiles: 'This war, destined to be famous, I tender under get cents tripod, became when the world's most powerful exist! ' Probe of several hundred disciples Steven Elder surround his whole body, Tai Xuan cloth under a large array, the array is connected to each of the atmosphere, into yin and yang, as two dragon strangling everything, but Jin is east Tai Xuan mainstay large array with a large array into the same back, forced to go to a good luck fairy rapid tripod. an extremely expert roar from another world, a body bowed, suddenly a seat mountain ghost flying around the whole body, impressively is also a very clever tactical deployment, Ying Han Tai Xuan large array, and a large array of violent contend a jordan sc 4circle array pattern and yin and yang are twenty-two offset, blocking all incoming Steven Tai Xuan way. 'exotic strong?' Jin laughed east, with a large array of Tai Xuan rampage, broke and said: '? Jin knew what a battle of wits God Code' Bang! palm shoot him, I saw a seat mountain ghost emerges, then competing with other extremely expert who makes the supernatural world of the same, the same supernatural powers, but more powerful! two kinds of supernatural collide, taking advantage of the cover to a large array of Tai Xuan, who else in the world will erode the strong minced! This is a battle of wits Magical God Code, created this door gods known as the power law of war, invincible, a battle of wits God Code can simulate most of the supernatural, the other no matter how magical powers resorted to, you can come out intact different simulation. Even if this practice to the goalkeeper Code profound realm, even the level of God's power law can be simulated, very powerful! Jin east once broke into the tomb of Ares, God of War get heritage, coupled with supreme classic Steven Taijordan sc 4


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