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jordan 11 2013 gamma

jordan 11 2013 gammaented, can break a case. ' his mind is very broad, although the southern plot, was hit almost dead among the immortal light, but still on the southern extreme appreciation, even at the cost of his close followers, the mind is admirable. southern standing on the bow, smiled and said:. 'more 谢太皇 love, but I already have a Master, with the division door, this life will not betray the door division switched to others, but please forgive me too imperial' 'meaning you have decided that I will not embarrass you.' too imperial ancestors sigh, said:. '. Since you do not want to worship me as a teacher, then I'm afraid you will die through the ages, countless die young genius, not bad you one.' southern smiled, suddenly broke and said:. 'Too Wong, Guzhu, I think the two of you have suffered multiple injuries in the end one is the best in the world two people closest to the gods of the strong, one hundred For killing God Guzhu Valley, the magic in the magic, and also in all metals and forest this mysterious place, two seriously injured, if someone can be beheaded two of you ...... ' jordan 11 2013 gamma his voice small, but just right can spread to the ears of many strong, so many people at once tempted. too imperial ancestors but the closest to God's people, and Ghost are one hundred men want to kill Kamiya's Guzhu whoever killed these two, will gain unprecedented glory! more critical is that this infinite wealth on them, if they could give me wealth, then Souhun cable soul, get their memories, practice their exercises, this gain is simply looted a huge treasure trove! too many eager eyes to the King and the man seems ghost face, around the corner. southern remark one, too imperial ancestors and the ghost face grimace man's face mask is slightly changed, and induction into many Ruoyouruowu murderous, too imperial ancestors eyes flashed a coldness, he even sensed too Steven Hyun came also among murderous. Ghost long sound man laughed: 'Well, well, a young man, after a plot against us, but still want to help of the hands of others, will we eradicate if you want to kill a hundred kenga into my Kamiya, I'll let you be the seventh magic!! ' his patience, his voice a great temptjordan 11 2013 gamma


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