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jordan 11 gamma 2013

jordan 11 gamma 2013eves, they see only the sleeves suddenly exploded, God is even a submarine arm was blown to pieces. 'Big Brother Steven Tai Xuan, and well-deserved reputation, a witness of God!'God latent mouth spit blood, turned into a Wu Guang suddenly disappear. 'chicken-watt dog.' Jin smiled east, leaving the two into a muddy care, softly: '? Now, are there any treasury into which you want to compete with my God Fuchu' He is like a statue tender God on high, overlooking the living beings beneath the roaring sound of rumbling, the Palace of the strong earthquake thorough tender pubic space, rolling sound, like thunder, shook all the chest tightness, almost breathless . Jin east side, the sudden appearance of several disciples Steven Tai Xuan, although not as Jin East is so powerful, but also significant, are powerful realm Road station, one into the high channel: 'This statue tender Palace strong body, has been owned by my big brother all the other into the other all Tuisan, otherwise we would Xiuguai Probe of Steven ruthless! ' moment, this statue yao strong pubic space of the Palace, jordan 11 gamma 2013has been to a lot of the major sects of the strong, and even lack of the older generation of the strong state House of God, but no one dared to come forward into. Even Wind and God these two young strong latent forces, nor Jin East opponents, although they are older, but the strength to theory, they have to be less certain than Wind God latent, confrontation with Jin East certainly will not be his opponent. 'Tai Xuan Steven wants to dominate this treasure trove of it?' an old man can not help, high channel: 'This treasure house but not the main thing, Jin east, you want pocketed, somewhat potential big bully into it?' 'Jin is the potential for a big bully into.' Jin east lightly: 'You are Albatron Shishu ink strike I know you do not want to hurt you, you come quickly receded, so lost face today rì this treasure, then surname Jin, and if the ink?. Shishu not go, then it Xiuguai Xiao Zhi rude. ' old man flew into a rage, rage and laughed: 'Jin east, you are too arrogant, as the right way disciples, dare ......' 'talkative!' Jin beat pressed eastward, big hands like a tender jordan 11 gamma 2013


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