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jordan 11 silver anniversarythe process, broke into the supernatural quadruple!He fell swoop into the realm of the supernatural from God wheel shortly before the triple is something, when actually Xiu supernatural quadruple speed awesome. And to see him in a sit-ting edge, breath more male hòu, seems to realize an extremely powerful secret, if he realize, in the mysterious forest Xiu supernatural powers are five heavy metals and also a cinch! The mysterious all metals and forest trip, too strong, not the color of Ling Huyong chance, so to see the south so dazzling, so his mind was very unhappy, stop the practice, is wanted in and the strength of the repair, leapfrogged the south! he is a genius, had not been to the south on the eyes, and this time pay attention to it on the south, he will be regarded as opponents. southern plot too imperial ancestors and big magic, that unseated two peerless strong, is not relying on the strength of the repair, but the resourcefulness, surprise, it did not let Ling Huyong Nuisance completely lost confidence, but morale is more expensive . Ouyang Yu less qualified thanjordan 11 silver anniversary him only half a chip chip, originally Tien Shengzong when they have supernatural powers Xiu quintet, now has reached the pinnacle of magical quintet, re-state the impact of the sixth. Ouyang Yu Yunpeng depending for their opponents, seeing also realized intensified when practicing, think and Ouyang Yu in the repair on a high, and see who should break through, and to make magical sextet. Moreover, he is born Yaozu, half demon clan lineage, and good luck in the world of the tripod, the proper way pattern turned into tens of thousands of Yaozu, strange, of which there are golden-winged Dapeng, build very complex, so that he had a productive session. will have his own half Jinpeng descent, which can be obtained if esoteric, the strength of the repair is bound to be some leap of growth! 'a fairy-class exercises, including the system is really huge.' southern sitting quietly on a tripod along, carefully watching the road tripod pattern, can not help but wonder: 'My tires by now Fel mysterious blend of exercises, though many, but compared to this good fortune cents after it, or unamjordan 11 silver anniversary


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